
Cannot use other version than 0.1.0. I failed to integrate this in my current project

kev205 opened this issue · 14 comments

Cannot use other version than 0.1.0. I failed to integrate this in my current project

Hi @kev205, which module are you trying to integrate?

Hello @scordio thanks,
I want to build batch job for my neo4j data so it is spring-batch-neo4j

that is my pom.xml:


The resolver cannot find other version than the 0.1.0

That's correct, version 0.1.0 is the latest version published.

Are you facing any issues with this version?

My app is a reactive app. This is my neo4j config:

@EnableReactiveNeo4jRepositories(basePackages = "com.orion.xchange.goods.repositories")
public class Neo4jConfig {
    public ReactiveTransactionManager reactiveTransactionManager(Driver driver,
            ReactiveDatabaseSelectionProvider databaseNameProvider) {
        return new ReactiveNeo4jTransactionManager(driver, databaseNameProvider);

    org.neo4j.cypherdsl.core.renderer.Configuration cypherDslConfiguration() {
        return org.neo4j.cypherdsl.core.renderer.Configuration.newConfig()

    ReactiveAuditorAware<String> reactiveAuditorAware() {
        return () -> ReactiveSecurityContextHolder.getContext()

    public Neo4jConversions neo4jConversions() {
        Set<GenericConverter> additionalConverters = Set.of(new ImageDTOToValueConverter(),
                new Neo4jRatesToUserRateConverter());
        return new Neo4jConversions(additionalConverters);

Now the current version ask me for a sessionFactory but i don't know how to get it. i have tried anything without success

And this is the configuration of spring batch:

@EnableBatchProcessing(tablePrefix = "BATCH_", maxVarCharLength = 1000, isolationLevelForCreate = "SERIALIZABLE")
public class BacthConfig {

    private String uri;

    private String username;

    private String password;

    public SessionFactory sessionFactory() {
        String[] packagesToScan = { "com.orion.xchange.goods.entities" };

        org.neo4j.ogm.config.Configuration configuration = new org.neo4j.ogm.config.Configuration.Builder()
                .credentials(username, password)

        return new SessionFactory(configuration, packagesToScan);

    public ItemReader<ArticleBasics> articleItemReader() {
        return new Neo4jItemReaderBuilder<ArticleBasics>()
                .whereStatement("a.status <> 'OUT_OF_STOCK'")
                .orderByStatement("a.createdAt DESC")

    public ItemWriter<Article> articleItemWriter() {
        return new Neo4jItemWriterBuilder<Article>().sessionFactory(sessionFactory())

Am I doing something wrong? I need some help.

Hi @michael-simons, would you have any hints?


Warning: I never used Spring Batch in any capacity, so the quality of my answer might not be good.

As far as I know Spring Batch Neo4j used to be build on SDN5 + Neo4j-OGM, at a time at which SDN was only a thin wrapper around Neo4j-OGM the original Neo4j Object mapper. Looking at the version linked above (0.1.0) this is the case in that version.

The configuration @kev205 shared indicates that they are on a recent Spring Boot / Spring Data Neo4j version, which is excellent! SDN6 and higher is an object mapper on its own right, does not use or support Neo4j-OGM.
That however makes it impossible to combine it with this batch extension here, unless a version containing this change


by my colleague @meistermeier has been released.

Hope that helps a bit.

Hello @michael-simons how to get that change?

Hello @michael-simons how to get that change?

I have no rights or means to release on that repository, sorry.

So any advise for me? Or i just have to skip the batch feature on my project?

I think we can organize a release with the help of @fmbenhassine.

I can prepare a milestone and collect the unreleased issues and PRs, so that we can publish a meaningful changelog.

Given the newer combination of dependencies, should we release it as 1.0.0 to signal the major change?

Closing in favor of #157.