
Updating elasticsearch entities

alex1232212 opened this issue · 1 comments

I have this database data as below (ES 7.xx) version

 "work":"software dev",
 "work":"software engi",

how can i update the entity which its expirationDate smaller than current Time? to be the current time for example:

the id 00021 is expired because its expiration date is smaller than today then it should updated to current time.

something like void updateExpiredEntity(List ids,Long currentTime) suing void bulkUpdate(List queries, BulkOptions bulkOptions, IndexCoordinates index);

Please provide me some code implementation

my try, but i know its not all correct

   public void update(UUID id,Long currentDate) {
            UpdateQuery updateQuery = UpdateQuery.builder(id.toString()).withRouting("expirationDate=currentDate")
            elasticsearchTemplate.bulkUpdate(List.of(updateQuery), IndexCoordinates.of("index"));