
Index value for `@Index` column not removed after setting value to `null`

soheilrahsaz opened this issue · 0 comments

Using Spring data 3.2.4 and repositories and following this link https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/redis/reference/redis/redis-repositories/indexes.html

public class Fruit {
    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    private String color;

public interface FruitRedisRepository extends CrudRepository<Fruit, Integer> {
    List<Fruit> findByColor(String color);

public class RedisConfig {
    public RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory()
        return new LettuceConnectionFactory("localhost", 16379);

This test fails:

class TestSpringRedisApplicationTests {

    FruitRedisRepository fruitRedisRepository;

    void test() {
        //sample fruit with `yellow` as index value
        Fruit banana = Fruit.builder()

        //retrieving the banana and setting null as color, expecting that the index would be removed
        Fruit foundBanana = fruitRedisRepository.findById(1).orElseThrow();

        //finding by color yellow, expect empty list, but it actually returns the banana.

Expected result is that the index for Fruit:color:yellow is removed, but it still exists in Redis with 1 value with id 1:

Redis output:

smembers Fruit:color:yellow

  1. "1"

Note: If I set another value for color, say purpule it works fine and Fruit:color:yellow is removed and Fruit:color:purpule is created