
ClassNotFoundException when using S3MessageHandler

gbaso opened this issue · 1 comments

gbaso commented

In version 3.0.0, S3MessageHandler depends on Base64 and Md5Utils:

import com.amazonaws.util.Base64;
import com.amazonaws.util.Md5Utils;

These classes come from aws-java-sdk-core v1, which is a transitive dependency of the (optional) kinesis client.

com.amazonaws.util.Md5Utils should be replaced with software.amazon.awssdk.utils.Md5Utils, and com.amazonaws.util.Base64#encodeAsString should be replaced with software.amazon.awssdk.utils.BinaryUtils#toBase64.

Uh! This is good catch.

Any chances that you can contribute the fix?

I'll schedule 3.0.1 for July 18th, but we are flexible to release it earlier.
