
Design Tokens Work To Do

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Now that we have published the initial generated .scss files from the Design Tokens .json files and introduced the idea of 'component tokens' with the newly refactored/rewritten global-forms component there have been a few things crop up that could be worked on to better serve the front-end toolkits with Design Tokens.

Work to be carried out

  • add alias tokens for spacing (gap, padding, margin).
  • shorten tokens-- namespacing to t- to match u-, c-, and l-.
  • fix misspelling of components for outputted file header.
  • remove springer tokens from global-forms.
  • prepare the design-tokens folder for npm
  • move dependencies to design-tokens folder, remove from brand-context.
  • change npm scripts to be more modular, and less likely to create constant breaking changes.
  • create an npm script that you pass arguments to to generate only one component .scss file?
  • recompose the component tokens for global-forms now there's a better understanding on how they have been implemented.
  • move parts of the readme.md to literal, alias, component folders as needed.
  • add setting up and usage guidelines to the root readme.md.
  • create a history.md file to keep a history (in lieu of and in readiness of it being on npm).
  • add linear gradient (#0070A8 to #01324B) to Springer Nature Tokens for the Springer Nature Header background.
  • update line heights so the default is md.
  • change grayscale to greyscale to match Design documentation and usage.

There's a good chance I'll be adding to this list of things, but I hope to get all of this into one PR.

Blocked until Stu's back from leave in September