
Documentation unclear / outdated?

khink opened this issue · 2 comments

khink commented

The README says to put wagtailadmin_urls.urlpatterns = wagtailenforcer_urls + wagtailadmin_urls.urlpatterns at the top of urls.py, but doesn't say from where to import wagtailenforcer_urls. A search in the repo yields no results.

Also on startup i get ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'signals', which is not required in setup.py, so i suspect that should be updated as well.

Tested this on Django 1.11, Python3.

Hi @khink, thanks for the report.

I do not have time to review the documentation at the moment, but you will be able to import wagtailenforcer_urls as follow from wagtailenforcer import urls as wagtailenforcer_urls.

Regarding the import error, I'm due to update a website to Django 1.11 so I'll probably bump into the same issue and will look at fixing it then.

e91975c updates the documentation and #5 adds compatibility with Django 1.10 and 1.11 but we still need to investigate #8. Despite this remaining issue, I'll release a new version shortly which should get rid of all the errors for now.