
Missing mobile_conversion_logins metric in results

Opened this issue · 1 comments

In my tests the metric mobile_conversion_logins is not present in the returned results. Not sure if this is because of my Ads account or it is something else. The point is it is the only missing MOBILE_CONVERSION metric whereas the rest are all there.

Many thanks in advance,

This sounds kind of familiar to https://twittercommunity.com/t/asynchronous-segmented-reports-for-promoted-tweets-missing-mobile-conversion-installs/90776

I would try to repro the issue with twurl and if it repros there feel free to make a new post to the Ads API forum, if it's a SDK issue we can definitely fix it here but I didn't think it was looking for values specifically (at least I would prefer if the SDK can adapt to returning new values dynamically..)