
Upgrade plans

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi all,

are there any plans to upgrade the library to use the current Twitter API version (6)? The one which is used in the library was deprecated on 2019-08-28.
Thank you in advance.

up up...

The version v4 of the JAR can be found here:

Version v5 should be available above in a day or two.

Version v6 - we would try to upload above in a month or so.

@vinitkataria is there a tentative date on the release of version-v6? I have to start using the ads Apis and I thought, it would be better if I could use version-v6 directly.


  1. In version v5, I could not find active_entities API, is it not there or is there a miss on my side?
  2. For entityType, FUNDING_INSTRUMENT metric groups supported are only - Engagement and Billing according to the documentation: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/ads/analytics/overview/metrics-and-segmentation
    But, in the code, all the metric groups for the entityType are fetched. Is there a logic to it?

Even latest master branch is on v6 which results in a deprecation warning once requests are sent.
This version (6) will be discontinued in September, current version is 7

@xlthor I compiled the master branch, but it still creates the jar version 5.0(twitter4j-ads-5.0.jar). Are you sure 6.0 version exist?