This gem provides developers with the ability to easily integrate chargebee's subscription management into their application backed by active record models.
- armanemadi
- berniechiu@Rivo-Commerce
- coatezyBBC Maestro
- DouglasRose
- eliotsykesRails Coach & Developer
- emrullaharsayDenizli
- esnekoLatvia
- giovapanasitiFondazione ENPAM
- jarod022Sleede SAS
- jfrinriva
- johnrliveNY
- karthiknmenon@circleco
- kyreeves@eventshop-inc
- marcorothBasel, Switzerland
- matias-eduardoPuerto Rico
- militarpancho
- one0fnineWorld
- rrdharmesh@credavenue
- sai92messy
- seandersSan Francisco, CA
- SiyandaTypographics
- stephanefullstack
- tenshiAMDSomewhere on Earth
- thanhtoan1196
- tkosugaSapporo, Hokkaido
- washtAltir
- WMPayneSimple Ag Solutions, Inc.
- yomore
- ZenMilan