
Primary LanguageVim Script

:Files [PATH] 	Files (runs $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND if defined)
:GFiles [OPTS] 	Git files (git ls-files)
:GFiles? 	Git files (git status)
:Buffers 	Open buffers
:Colors 	Color schemes
:Ag [PATTERN] 	ag search result (ALT-A to select all, ALT-D to deselect all)
:Rg [PATTERN] 	rg search result (ALT-A to select all, ALT-D to deselect all)
:RG [PATTERN] 	rg search result; relaunch ripgrep on every keystroke
:Lines [QUERY] 	Lines in loaded buffers
:BLines [QUERY] 	Lines in the current buffer
:Tags [QUERY] 	Tags in the project (ctags -R)
:BTags [QUERY] 	Tags in the current buffer
:Changes 	Changelist across all open buffers
:Marks 	Marks
:Jumps 	Jumps
:Windows 	Windows
:Locate PATTERN 	locate command output
:History 	v:oldfiles and open buffers
:History: 	Command history
:History/ 	Search history
:Snippets 	Snippets (UltiSnips)
:Commits [LOG_OPTS] 	Git commits (requires fugitive.vim)
:BCommits [LOG_OPTS] 	Git commits for the current buffer; visual-select lines to track changes in the range
:Commands 	Commands
:Maps 	Normal mode mappings
:Helptags 	Help tags 1
:Filetypes 	File types