
Clipetty not sending cuts to clipboard under local tmux

jpe90 opened this issue · 6 comments

jpe90 commented

Clipetty works for me when I use it outside tmux, or under SSH and tmux, but not under tmux for a local system.

This occurs regardless of whether emacs is run as a daemon or regularly, in all terminals I've tried (kitty, ST, and alacritty) on Linux.

I've tried debugging in the failing case, where I'm using tmux locally.


In this call to clipetty-emit with the encoded string that it want to cut, which in the case is the text defun, (clipetty--dcs-wrap string tmux term ssh-tty) evaluates to the following:


and (clipetty-tty ssh-tty tmux) evaluates to "/dev/tty".

Not sure whether that's behaving as expected, but my clipboard doesn't end up receiving the cut.

When I run without tmux, (clipetty--dcs-wrap string tmux term ssh-tty) evaluates to "^[]52;c;ZGVmdW4=^G" and the clipboard does receive the cut.

What version of Tmux are you using?
Starting with Tmux 3.3, Escape Sequence Passthrough is optional.
You can enable it by adding the following to your .tmux.conf.

set -g allow-passthrough on
jpe90 commented

I'm using tmux 3.3a. I gave that setting a shot, and turned off all my existing settings to make sure there isn't a conflict, but it didn't seem to solve the issue.

I found using the xclip package alongside clipetty works was a workaround. I didn't realize that it's actually cross-platform and supports Wayland/Windows/MacOS/etc despite the name.

I have encountered the same problem.