
Downloading "dind" gets hanging (waiting stage)

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$ docker-compose up -d ;
Docker Compose is now in the Docker CLI, try `docker compose up`

Pulling docker (spurin/diveintoansible:dind)...
dind: Pulling from spurin/diveintoansible
ba3557a56b15: Pull complete
94caa5d1da70: Pull complete
a10a29983da5: Pull complete
3d6ccddb7fa4: Pull complete
ed1bef566495: Pull complete
201a9d1142eb: Pull complete
0806b78d1f4d: Pull complete
7487d64c1d39: Pull complete
3803ba42d066: Waiting

I had to restart the docker-desktop a few times and reset all the images/containers.

Then I used this command:

$ docker pull spurin/diveintoansible:dind ;

For some reason the "waiting" was no longer a problem. I have no idea of what was happening but if anyone knows, please let me know. Thanks.