View > Pane > Notebook not showing, but it was today, before some updates
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Description of your problem
What steps will reproduce the problem?
- Launch spyder
- View > Panes > (No Notebook)
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Being able to select Notebook, but I can't.
Please provide any additional information below (stack trace, screenshots, a gif, etc)
Spyder notebook was working fine today.
I made a few updates, and now it does not show.
Useful info:
(analysis) > conda list | findstr spyder
pyls-spyder 0.4.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0 defaults
spyder 5.5.1 py312haa95532_3 defaults
spyder-kernels 2.5.0 py312haa95532_0 defaults
spyder-notebook 0.1.4 py_0 spyder-ide
(analysis) > spyder
fromIccProfile: failed minimal tag size sanity
C:\Users\User1\Anaconda\envs\analysis\Lib\site-packages\paramiko\ CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Blowfish has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release
"class": algorithms.Blowfish,
C:\Users\User1\Anaconda\envs\analysis\Lib\site-packages\jupyter_client\ RuntimeWarning: ZMQStream only supports the base zmq.Socket class.
Use zmq.Socket(shadow=other_socket)
or `ctx.socket(zmq.DEALER, socket_class=zmq.Socket)`
to create a base zmq.Socket object,
no matter what other kind of socket your Context creates. = zmqstream.ZMQStream(self.socket, self.ioloop)
C:\Users\User1\Anaconda\envs\analysis\Lib\site-packages\jupyter_client\ RuntimeWarning: ZMQStream only supports the base zmq.Socket class.
Use zmq.Socket(shadow=other_socket)
or `ctx.socket(zmq.SUB, socket_class=zmq.Socket)`
to create a base zmq.Socket object,
no matter what other kind of socket your Context creates. = zmqstream.ZMQStream(self.socket, self.ioloop)
(analysis) > conda list | findstr qt
pyqt 5.15.10 py312hd77b12b_0 defaults
pyqt5-sip 12.13.0 py312h2bbff1b_0 defaults
pyqtwebengine 5.15.10 py312hd77b12b_0 defaults
qt-main 5.15.2 h19c9488_10 defaults
qt-webengine 5.15.9 h5bd16bc_7 defaults
qtawesome 1.2.2 py312haa95532_0 defaults
qtconsole 5.5.1 py312haa95532_0 defaults
qtpy 2.4.1 py312haa95532_0 defaults
sphinxcontrib-qthelp 1.0.3 pyhd3eb1b0_0 defaults
- #146
Versions and main components
- Spyder Version: 5.5.1
- Python Version: 3.12.4
- Qt Version: 5.15.2
- PyQt Version: 5.15.10
- Jupyter Notebook Version: 6.5.7
- Operating system: Win 11
Please go to the menu entry Help > Optional Dependencies
Help > Dependencies
), press the button Copy to clipboard
and paste the contents below:
atomicwrites >=1.2.0 : 1.4.0 (OK)
chardet >=2.0.0 : 4.0.0 (OK)
cloudpickle >=0.5.0 : 3.0.0 (OK)
cookiecutter >=1.6.0 : 2.6.0 (OK)
diff_match_patch >=20181111 : 20200713 (OK)
intervaltree >=3.0.2 : 3.1.0 (OK)
IPython >=8.13.0,<9.0.0,!=8.17.1 : 8.25.0 (OK)
jedi >=0.17.2,<0.20.0 : 0.19.1 (OK)
jellyfish >=0.7 : 1.0.1 (OK)
jsonschema >=3.2.0 : 4.19.2 (OK)
keyring >=17.0.0 : 24.3.1 (OK)
nbconvert >=4.0 : 7.10.0 (OK)
numpydoc >=0.6.0 : 1.7.0 (OK)
paramiko >=2.4.0 : 2.8.1 (OK)
parso >=0.7.0,<0.9.0 : 0.8.3 (OK)
pexpect >=4.4.0 : 4.8.0 (OK)
pickleshare >=0.4 : 0.7.5 (OK)
psutil >=5.3 : 5.9.0 (OK)
pygments >=2.0 : 2.15.1 (OK)
pylint >=2.5.0,<3.1 : 2.16.2 (OK)
pylint_venv >=3.0.2 : 3.0.3 (OK)
pyls_spyder >=0.4.0 : 0.4.0 (OK)
pylsp >=1.10.0,<1.11.0 : 1.10.0 (OK)
pylsp_black >=2.0.0,<3.0.0 : 2.0.0 (OK)
qdarkstyle >=3.2.0,<3.3.0 : 3.2.3 (OK)
qstylizer >=0.2.2 : 0.2.2 (OK)
qtawesome >=1.2.1 : 1.2.2 (OK)
qtconsole >=5.5.1,<5.6.0 : 5.5.1 (OK)
qtpy >=2.1.0 : 2.4.1 (OK)
rtree >=0.9.7 : 1.0.1 (OK)
setuptools >=49.6.0 : 69.5.1 (OK)
sphinx >=0.6.6 : 7.3.7 (OK)
spyder_kernels >=2.5.0,<2.6.0 : 2.5.0 (OK)
textdistance >=4.2.0 : 4.2.1 (OK)
three_merge >=0.1.1 : 0.1.1 (OK)
watchdog >=0.10.3 : 4.0.1 (OK)
zmq >=22.1.0 : 25.1.2 (OK)
cython >=0.21 : None (NOK)
matplotlib >=3.0.0 : 3.8.4 (OK)
numpy >=1.7 : 1.26.4 (OK)
pandas >=1.1.1 : 2.2.2 (OK)
scipy >=0.17.0 : 1.13.1 (OK)
sympy >=0.7.3 : 1.12 (OK)
Hello, I don't know what happened that caused Spyder notebook to disappear, but I can see in the output for conda list
(thanks for providing that) that you have version 0.1.4 of spyder-notebook
installed. That is a very old version and not compatible with Spyder 5. You need to install version 0.5.1 of spyder-notebook
. Unfortunately, that is only available in the conda-forge
channel while you have Spyder installed from the defaults
channel. In general, packages from the defaults
and conda-forge
channel are not compatible.
If you want to get Spyder notebook back, my advise is to set up a separate environment with Spyder from the conda-forge
channel. The procedure is explained in "Installing with Conda" in our Installion Guide. You can then install spyder-notebook
in the new environment and everything should work.
@sancho-s I am not sure I understand what you are asking.
What I suggested will get you spyder and spyder-notebook from conda-forge in the same environment, without touching your current environment (which I think is called analysis
). You can then tell spyder to use the analysis
environment to run your Python code and everything should work. That is the safest procedure.
If you want to have everything in one environment, you have to get all your packages from conda-forge and re-install all the packages you have now.
Installing conda-forge packages in your current environment is very likely to lead to problems, which may be subtle or only surface after you install or upgrade an unrelated package, and the only way to resolve this is to re-install everything.
I hope you managed to solve the issue with the answers given.
I also deleted the spyder-notebook 0.1.x packages from the spyder-ide channel, because these did not have an upper limit on the Spyder dependency, but they don't work with Spyder 4 and later.
I will close the issue, but if you do have any further questions, feel free to raise them.