
Installation instructions for macOS for readme.md

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Installation instructions for macOS, if interested. Included a how-to-get-there, but it can be skipped if making the readme too long.

In macOS (OSX), unzip the download. Move the extracted folder thunderbird-monterail-master to
~/Library/Thunderbird/Profiles/[randomletters and numbers].default/ and rename it to chrome.

To get there via GUI:

  • Open Finder. Use ‘Go to Folder’ (CMD+shift+G), paste the location:
  • Open the folder [randomletters and numbers].default.
  • Move the extracted folder here.

In **macOS (OSX)**, unzip the download. Move the extracted folder *thunderbird-monterail-master* to
	`~/Library/Thunderbird/Profiles/[randomletters and numbers].default/` and rename it to *chrome*.

To get there via GUI:
* Open Finder. Use ‘Go to Folder’ (CMD+shift+G), paste the location:
*	Open the folder *[randomletters and numbers].default*.
* Move the extracted folder here.