
Excel is not available. Please check wether Excel is correctly installed.

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Hi install this tools on two machines. One is working perfectly, my personal laptop. On my company laptop, I receive this message without Excel open, "Excel is not available. Please check wether Excel is correctly installed". Excel Office 265 ProPlus 64-bit english version. I'm administrator on both machine.

How I can resolve this issue?

Thanks and good work!


If you see that error it means that Excel.Application is not a registered type.
Possible explanations:

  • you have a particular setup that "hides" Excel to other applications, running office in an isolated sandbox.
  • you have an incorrect Excel setup

Can you check this Registry setting?

  • Open this hive: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Excel.Application\CurVer (if it exists - if it does not exist, can you see Excel.Application?)
  • double click "Default" and copy the content

This would be very helpful to evaluate a proper fix.

I see Excel.Application.16 on both machine

Can you try this new build? It is not an automatic update, we are testing it but the detection of Excel is probably similar and could fail the same way:

Let me know if it works or not.
Another question: does your personal laptop have the same language as the corporate one? (I see it is not English)

No it's not working. I have some isssues with Excel with this laptop. I open I ticket at my company to re-install Office. 2 day delay.

Both laptop are using french canadian language.

I ask a college to install your tool and work on is company laptop!

I will do a follow up after re-install office.

Thanks for your help and nice work.

Frédéric Hébert
N.B. I will register to your DAX pattern!

Thanks Frédéric - I look forward to hearing from you!

@fhebert33 do you have any update? Did you try the latest versions?

We re-install Office on company laptop and upgrade to you new version V1.2 and not working. I just try V1.1.3 same result.

Excel is not available. Please check whether Excel is corretly installed._

What is really strange if i open with Excel file from file explorer, I see two Excel application (one with Icon and one without Icon). I thinks probably some registry incorrect on this machine.

It's probably something on your machine - thanks for the feedback, I keep the issue open because for a case like that we could fallback to ODC connection instead of raising an error (maybe a warning could be enough, but the user should be able to disable it).