
A query that contains a slice and a regular parameter generates query code with incorrect placeholder ordinal

jhlgns opened this issue · 1 comments



What happened?

Hello, I was just pulling out my non-existent hairs about why the filtering of my blog articles produced article lists that made no sense.
I have this query:

-- name: ListArticles :many
select *
from articles
    (category in (sqlc.slice(categories))) and
    (sqlc.arg(include_drafts) = 1 or is_visible = 1)
order by created_at desc;

Which generates this query code:

const listArticles = `-- name: ListArticles :many

select id, created_at, last_edited_at, is_visible, title, category, content, content_type
from articles
    (category in (/*SLICE:categories*/?)) and
    (?2 = 1 or is_visible = 1)
order by created_at desc

However, the ?2 here means that not the wanted IncludeDrafts parameter of the paramter struct is inserted, but the second element in the parameter array, which is the second element of the categories array.
When I manually replace the ?2 with ?, it works as expected.

One solution could be either to not emit placeholder ordinals or to enumerate the slice placeholders as well.

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Same problem for me. I have to move the slice parameter to the last position as a workaround.