
Where is this class gudusoft.gsqlparser.sqlenv.TSQLEnv?

Opened this issue · 5 comments


I get this compile error with the DataFlowAnalyzer.java

I cannot find the TSQLEnv class? Do you know where I can find this?

src\main\java\demos\dlineage\DataFlowAnalyzer.java:121: error: package gudusoft.gsqlparser.sqlenv does not exist
import gudusoft.gsqlparser.sqlenv.TSQLEnv;


Please download the latest Java version here:


Hi James
thank you. The new release helped.

Do you need any help on this project? In my day job I am a data warehouse developer - but once I was a Java developer and still like to program :-).


Hi Kasper,

Thanks. It would be much appreciated if you can give me some advice on how this SQLFlow tool will be more useful to data warehouse developers like you.


here are some ideas:

  • If it could connect directly to a DBMS server and fetch code online through metadata views (instead of copy/paste of code in editor)
  • Being able to enrich the information generated by the SQL Flow fx Description of entities (tables etc.) like a data dictionary
  • Adding additional information of flow (if it is not in SQL, but an ETL tool or Application/integration) that transfers data from one table to another
  • If it could connect directly to a DBMS server and fetch code online through metadata views (instead of copy/paste of code in editor)

We are working on a client tool that can be installed on the client-side, connect to a DBMS and then send the code to the SQLFlow for data lineage analysis and visualize.

  • Being able to enrich the information generated by the SQL Flow fx Description of entities (tables etc.) like a data dictionary

Do you mean the "Schema Explorer" in this page: https://gudusoft.com/sqlflow/#/
Or the information included in the JSON file when you click the right mouse to download the result?

  • Adding additional information of flow (if it is not in SQL, but an ETL tool or Application/integration) that transfers data from one table to another

We are currently focused on the analyzing of SQL script only. Maybe need other information from the third-party ETL tool.

Thanks for your nice suggestions, Kasper. There will be a new version with the more powerful features in the next several weeks. I will let you know once the new version is available.
