
Valid MERGE statement in Redshift fails to parse or display lineage

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The following statement is valid in both Redshift and Snowflake. It parses and displays properly in SQLFlow using the Snowflake database option, but it fails using Redshift.

MERGE INTO v2_int_customer.hcp_identifier USING int_temp.hcp_identifier_temp AS _t1 ON v2_int_customer.hcp_identifier.data_source_key = _t1.data_source_key
AND v2_int_customer.hcp_identifier.source_key = _t1.source_key WHEN MATCHED THEN
SET master_id = _t1.master_id WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN
INSERT (data_source_key,
VALUES (_t1.data_source_key, _t1.source_key, _t1.master_id);

The above image shows the MERGE command being properly parsed and visualized using the Snowflake library.

This image shows the error that occurs when parsing and visualizing the exact same query in Redshift. NOTE: this syntax definitely works in Redshift, as we are running this code successfully today on version Redshift 1.0.69065.

Thanks for the feedback. Will fix this bug and get back to you once the new version is released.


Redshift is based on PostgreSQL, but it doesn't support all PostgreSQL features, and MERGE is one of those unsupported features.

@johncamburn fixed and you may give a try here: https://sqlflow.gudusoft.com/