
MySQL Support

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Interesting project. Are there any plans to support other database drivers such as mysql2?

Long term yes. The code is structure to support multiple database libraries.

For now, I'm just working on getting Postgres production ready. If someone were to submit a PR supporting another databases, I would accept it.

arden commented

mysql is popular database, it should be implemented soon.

arden commented

when to support mysql?

I'll release a MySQL package in the next 3 to 7 days. The initial release won't be as robust as the Postgres version, but it should work in most cases.

@eejdoowad that's awesome!

@eejdoowad I can kickstart this effort if you'd like -- let me know if you're not just about done. If you are not, I'll fork and start working on it.

I would accept a PR with support. Thanks @galvez.