
Aliases for frm, whr, ret, ins, etc

scf4 opened this issue · 4 comments

scf4 commented

I’m a little put off by the naming convention here. It doesn’t seem very JS-like to me, and it makes it harder to remember the function names, all to save a few characters.

It would make more sense (to me) to have these short versions as optional aliases.

I hope this doesn’t sound too critical and you’ve obviously put a lot of work into this project, but I’m on the lookout for something to replace Knex, and so far the naming convention is a deal-killer to me.


This seems to be a very popular opinion. I'll be switching all method names to full sql clause names. E.g. .frm -> from, .whr -> .where

scf4 commented

@eejdoowad Thanks for the quick response, and for listening to the community! I look forward to seeing how this project turns out.

I was about to file this issue. I think that the usage of tagged template literals is inspired. I'm glad that you're changing the method names.

Implemented and published in Sqorn v0.0.15