
`WHERE IN (...)` support

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From the docs:

Multiple objects passed to .where are joined with or.

sq.from`person`.where({ name: 'Rob' }, { name: 'Bob' }).query

{ text: 'select * from person where (name = $1 or name = $2)',
  args: ['Rob', 'Bob'] }

Any reason we couldn't join the objects with IN (?, ?) notation?

I'm not sure what you mean by joining objects with IN. An example of how you would expect the API to work would help.

I have some ideas on supporting IN operations:

  1. If a .where object value is an array, use IN instead of equality.
sq.from`book`.where({ title: ['a', 'b', 'c'] }).query

{ text: 'select * from book where title in ($1, $2, $3)',
  args: ['a', 'b', 'c']
  1. Add dedicated operators for IN, NOT IN, ANY, ALL, BETWEEN, NOT BETWEEN, EXISTS, NOT EXISTS.
sq.from`book`.where({ title: sq.in(['a', 'b', 'c']) }).query

{ text: 'select * from book where title in ($1, $2, $3)',
  args: ['a', 'b', 'c']
  1. Add a dedicated helper for constructing argument lists.
sq.from`book`.where({ c: sq.l`title in`.args(...['a', 'b', 'c'])) }).query
// or
sq.from`book`.where({ c: sq.l`title in ${sq.args(...['a', 'b', 'c'])}` }).query

{ text: 'select * from book where title in ($1, $2, $3)',
  args: ['a', 'b', 'c']

1 is the simplest, but it would make the library inconsistent and make it difficult to test arrays and json for equality.

2 is what I'm leaning toward.

3 is something I'll probably also add eventually

For now, you can follow Node Postgres's guidelines for constructing IN conditions.

Thanks for the detailed response! I think the addition of new operators (number 2) would be a great way to go.

The solution I was thinking of would be to:

sq.from`person`.where({ name: 'Rob' }, { name: 'Bob' }).query

{ text: 'select * from person where (name = ANY ($1))',
  args: [['Rob', 'Bob']] }

// OR
{ text: 'select * from person where (name IN ($1, $2))',
  args: ['Rob', 'Bob'] }

However, I'm now noticing that it could present issues if you're trying to apply multiple (possibly mutually exclusive) conditionals. ex:

  { name: 'Rob', zipCode: 12345 }, 
  { name: 'Bob', zipCode: 67890 },

// ???

I'm writing some helper functions that generate queries with sqorn (think something like ruby's filterrific) and I like option 2. At first glance I liked option 1, but that would definitely get confusing when you also happen to have array type columns, and support for further operators beyond in seems useful.

Yep, I'm definitely going with 2. The current plan is to provide an expression builder.

I'm currently debating whether to provide a fluent interface or an expression tree interface.

// option 1: fluent interface
// pros: reads like SQL
// cons: confusing operator precedence, more difficult implementation
const condition =
  e('book.genre').in(['Fiction', 'History', 'Fantasy'])

// option 2: expression tree
// pros: explicit operator ordering, simpler implementation, easier typing
// cons: not like SQL
const condition = e.and(
  e.in('book.genre', ['Fiction', 'History', 'Fantasy']),
  e.lt('book.publish_year', 1980)

// both would be used like follows:
sq.from('book').where(condition).return('title', 'id').query
{ text: 'select title, id from book where (book.genre in ($1, $2, $3) and book.publish_year < $4',
  args: ['Fiction', 'History', 'Fantasy', 1980] }

I'm probably going with 2.

Started work on this in #51. ETA 2-3 days.

The PR packages major breaking changes to make query building more consistent and secure.

The plan is to provide a functional, not fluent, Expression Builder.

Example 1. Expression Values: build expressions from raw values

const { e } = sq

sq.return(23) // no longer allowed, throws error

sq.return('hello', e('world'), e.eq(1, 2), e.eq(sq.raw('name'), 'Jo')).query

{ text: 'select hello, $1, $2 = $3, (name = $4)',
  args: ['world', 1, 2, 'Jo'] }

Example 2. Expression trees: build expressions from expressions

sq.return(e.and(e.eq(e.plus(3, 4), 7), true).query

{ text: 'select ((($1 + $2) = $3) and $4)',
  args: [3, 4, 7, true] }

Example 3. Currying: expressions builders can be curried and called as tagged templates


{ text: 'select ($1 = $2), (genre = $3), (hello = $4)'
  args: [1, 2, 'fantasy', 'world'] }

Example 4. Set Expressions: support for operators like in, any, some, exists, etc.

   where(e.in`book.genre`(['Fiction', 'History', 'Fantasy']))

{ text: 'select title where book.genre in ($1, $2, $3)',
  args: ['Fiction', 'History', 'Fantasy'] }

Example 5. Subquery Expressions: build expressions from subqueries

sq.return(e.plus(sq.return(e(2)), sq.return(e(3)))).query

{ text: 'select ((select $1) + (select $2))'
  args: [2, 3] }

Array, JSON, Aggregate, and String expressions will also be supported.

A little bit behind schedule, and with MANY breaking API changes, but I ended up implementing a much more ambitious proposal: a functional, strongly typed expression builder.

See https://sqorn.org/docs/expressions.html.

// All the queries below produce:
// 'select * from book where id in ($1, $2, $3)'

// pass multiple arguments to .sql to build a values list
sq.sql`select * from book where id in`.sql(1, 2, 3)

// object form detects array and builds in
sq.from`book`.where({ id: [1, 2, 3] })

// e.in operation accepts two arguments
sq.from`book`.where(e.in(e`id`, [1, 2, 3]))

// operations can be curried
sq.from`book`.where(e.in`id`([1, 2, 3]))

// operations can be chained
sq.from`book`.where(e`id`.in([1, 2, 3]))

Switch to package '@sqorn/pg' v0.0.45. See the updated tutorial setup: https://sqorn.org/docs/setup.html