-out flag
bootstraponline opened this issue · 2 comments
bootstraponline commented
An -out
flag as exists in openssl would be nice. Currently files need to be copied manually when the same common name is used.
etcd-release has the same issue https://github.com/cloudfoundry-incubator/etcd-release/blob/master/scripts/generate-certs
# CA
certstrap --depot-path . init --passphrase '' --common-name example.com --key-bits $SIZE
mv ./example.com.key ./ca.key
mv ./example.com.crt ./ca.crt
mv ./example.com.crl ./ca.crl
# Server
certstrap --depot-path . request-cert --passphrase '' --common-name example.com --domain 'example.com' --key-bits $SIZE
mv ./example.com.key server.key
mv ./example.com.csr server.csr
certstrap --depot-path . sign server --CA ca
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in server.key -out server.pem
# Client
certstrap --depot-path . request-cert --passphrase '' --common-name example.com --domain 'example.com' --key-bits $SIZE
mv ./example.com.key client.key
mv ./example.com.csr client.csr
mrtrkmn commented
Seems merged pull request #81 fixes this issue. @mcpherrinm. This issue could be leftover.
mcpherrinm commented
yup, thanks for the reminder