
Must provide Common Name or domain

hantmac opened this issue · 4 comments

First,I use the next cmd:

git clone https://github.com/square/certstrap
$ cd certstrap
$ ./build

2.I got certstrap-dev-25ea708a-darwin-amd64 in ./bin,and I exec:

./certstrap-dev-25ea708a-darwin-amd64 request-cert --ip

But, I got the error: Must provide Common Name or domain

You need to provide a Common Name for your certificate.

You need to provide a Common Name for your certificate.

I use the request-cert option, I also need use --common-name?
Just like ./certstrap-dev-25ea708a-darwin-amd64 request-cert --common-name XXX --ip ?

Yes. If you provide a --domain it'll be used as the common name automatically, too.

Yes. If you provide a --domain it'll be used as the common name automatically, too.

Thanks a lot!