
Regen model to spec

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Getting the following error in trying to run the sandbox code:

File "/home/ec2-user/misc/py3env/local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/squareconnect/models/location.py", line 177, in capabilities
    .format(capabilities, allowed_values)
ValueError: Invalid value for `capabilities` (['CREDIT_CARD_PROCESSING']), must be one of ['CREDIT_CARD_PROCESSING']

NOTE: An update was applied to the PHP library a few days back to fix this issue:


noted here: https://www.sellercommunity.com/t5/Developers-API/SDK-and-Sandbox-locations-quot-Invalid-value-for-capabilities/m-p/29717

FYI...the Ruby connect code removed the same check: square/connect-ruby-sdk@bb993e8#diff-9e68b5563dc4f300cb8a14c3e473635f

@lmorganjr We have fixed the bug. Let us know if there is still issue in List Locations endpoint. Thanks
cc @tristansokol