
Square Chip Reader Disconnecting

krishnakapil opened this issue · 3 comments

The square chip reader keep disconnecting when there is inactivity for like an hour or so. Documentation says it disconnects after 2 hours of inactivity. Pressing the power button on the chip reader doesn't connect the reader. I have to restart the app to reconnect it.

We are building a solution which requires square reader to always be connected. Is there anything i can do to keep the connection alive? If there is support to keep alive right now, is that something your team will consider adding? Is there any other way i can keep the connection alive?

@krishnakapil is the device the reader is connected to losing Internet access? If the network is lost then the reader will disconnect, and will not attempt to reconnect even when the network is recovered. The only ways to reconnect the reader at this point would be going through the Reader SDK reader settings and choosing "Reconnect", or by restarting the app as you found out. This is a known area we're hoping to improve on.

If you don't believe it's network related, then please reach out to our support team with your application id so we can dig into our logs: https://squareup.com/help/us/en/contact?panel=BF53A9C8EF68

@StephenJosey Thank you for the response. Is there any chance of exposing the API through the SDK to reconnect the reader instead of manually clicking "Reconnect"? We are trying to see if there an automated way to do this. Only way i can think of right now is to restart app when network disconnects and reconnects again.

I believe there are plans to make this plan better, but currently there's no ETA on when (or if) it will be completed. We've definitely heard this feedback before, and we definitely appreciate it!