
Async best practices - CancellationToken, .Result

Closed this issue · 3 comments


All of the references to task.Result should probably be changed to task.ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult() to help callers avoid deadlocks


(All?) Async methods should take a CancellationToken parameter to support cancellation. In most cases the parameter can probably be added with a default like this:

public async Task<RegisterDomainResponse> RegisterDomainAsync(RegisterDomainRequest body)


public async Task<RegisterDomainResponse> RegisterDomainAsync(RegisterDomainRequest body, CancellationToken cancellation = default)

and cancellation gets passed through to any methods that take a CancellationToken parameter.

Thanks for the feedback. We have an action item to look into this and see what we can do in the upcoming releases.

Thanks. One other suggestion... all of the example code where .Result is used, just change the examples to be async. I bet most people using this SDK will be using it from an async context, and if someone needs the non-async they can convert to using the GetAwaiter().GetResult(). This keeps your examples showing the suggested way to use the library and if someone is copy/pasting code then they'll at least get pushed in the right direction:

var body = new RegisterDomainRequest.Builder(

    RegisterDomainResponse result = applePayApi.RegisterDomainAsync(body).Result;
catch (ApiException e){};


var body = new RegisterDomainRequest.Builder(

    RegisterDomainResponse result = await applePayApi.RegisterDomainAsync(body);
catch (ApiException e){};

The cancellation token parameter has ben added.