
Consider something like LifecycleWorker

bencochran opened this issue · 1 comments

Kotlin has LifecycleWorker that makes it easy to perform side-effects when the worker is started or stopped.

At the moment, this is essentially equivalent to doing the following in Swift:

func render(state: State, context: RenderContext<SomeWorkflow>) -> Rendering {
    let onStart: () -> Void = 
    let onEnd: () -> Void = 

    context.runSideEffect(key: "lifecycle") { lifetime in


We might consider making some convenience for this in Swift land. I’d hesitate tying it to Worker specifically since that lives in WorkflowReactiveSwift and this could be built more generally.

Open to suggestions on API shape

I think it'd be easier if we tied this to Worker, but we could build it more generally:

public struct LifecycleWorker {
    let key: AnyHashable
    let onStarted: () -> Void
    let onStopped: () -> Void

    init(key: AnyHashable, onStarted: @escaping () -> Void, onStopped: @escaping () -> Void) {
        self.key = key

        self.onStarted = onStarted
        self.onStopped = onStopped

extension LifecycleWorker: AnyWorkflowConvertible {
    public typealias Rendering = Void
    public typealias Output = Never

    public func asAnyWorkflow() -> AnyWorkflow<Rendering, Output> {
        LifecycleWorkerWorkflow(worker: self).asAnyWorkflow()

// Internal plumbing

struct LifecycleWorkerWorkflow: Workflow {
    typealias State = Void
    typealias Rendering = Void

    private var worker: LifecycleWorker

    init(worker: LifecycleWorker) {
        self.worker = worker

    func render(state: Void, context: RenderContext<LifecycleWorkerWorkflow>) -> Void {
        context.runSideEffect(key: worker.key) { lifetime in

Does it create confusion that this is a "worker" but the worker definition lives in the other module?