Buffer.write: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
Opened this issue · 1 comments
jeffutter commented
I am having an odd error here that I can't seem to track down. I am new to rabbitmq and rabbit.js so I am likely doing something wrong. I am trying to setup a REQ/REP and even this simple example is failing when I send a message.
Here is the code from my server:
"use strict";
var context = rabbit.createContext("amqp://" + process.env.RABBITMQ_USER + ":" + process.env.RABBITMQ_PASSWORD + "@" + process.env.RABBITMQ_1_PORT_5672_TCP_ADDR + ":" + process.env.RABBITMQ_1_PORT_5672_TCP_PORT);
context.on("ready", function () {
console.log("Rabbit Listening");
var rep = context.socket("REP");
rep.on("data", function (msg) {
var data = JSON.parse(msg);
console.log("Message Received %j", data);
var jobId = data.job_id;
var outData = { test: true };
console.log("Replying with %j", outData);
var res = JSON.stringify(outData);
rep.write(res, "utf8");
context.on("error", function (e) {
console.error(e, "Rabbit Error");
And here is the output I get:
Rabbit Listening
Message Received {"job_id":12711}
Replying with {"test":true}
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at Buffer.write (buffer.js:400:13)
at encodeBasicPublish (node_modules/rabbit.js/node_modules/amqplib/lib/defs.js:2167:10)
at module.exports.encodeMethod (node_modules/rabbit.js/node_modules/amqplib/lib/defs.js:3527:12)
at Connection.C.sendMessage (node_modules/rabbit.js/node_modules/amqplib/lib/connection.js:511:16)
at Channel.C.sendMessage (node_modules/rabbit.js/node_modules/amqplib/lib/channel.js:79:26)
at Channel.C.publish (node_modules/rabbit.js/node_modules/amqplib/lib/channel_model.js:343:15)
at Channel.C.sendToQueue (node_modules/rabbit.js/node_modules/amqplib/lib/channel_model.js:347:15)
at RepSocket.write (node_modules/rabbit.js/lib/sockets.js:490:16)
at RepSocket.<anonymous> (src/javascript/node/rabbit.js:20:9)
at emitOne (events.js:75:13
Any suggestions on how to debug this?
squaremo commented
That .. looks fine and works fine for me. Odd indeed.
What versions of Node.JS and rabbit.js are you using?