
Use case as a broadcasting mechanism for multiple SockJS servers

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Can rabbit.js be used as a use case for broadcasting messages to multiple SockJS servers

Say I have a application that is used by millions of users online and I need to broadcast messages to all of them.

Question inspired by this discussion: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sockjs/lgzxVnlth54

RabbitMQ in general can be used as an "engine" in the terms of the discussion you point at, and rabbit.js may thereby be suitable as a convenient way of using RabbitMQ.

Serving millions of users at a time will take careful design whatever you use, and I would expect there to be more fundamental decisions to make before you look at whether to use rabbit.js or not -- for example, will a RabbitMQ cluster or federation be able to handle the load you expect? How many web servers with SockJS will you need to account for that load? And so on.