
Example Configuration File in README is Incorrect

Opened this issue · 5 comments

The example configuration file is grossly incorrect. It does not have a coverage or program section. It has been very difficult to learn how to use this library because of this.

Thanks for pointing this out. It looks like the README drifted from the implementation when I was doing some refactoring back late last year / early this year.

If you do plan to use this for anything serious (e.g., research), reach out via email. This is unpublished academic code that's a bit rough around the edges in some places (e.g., those that aren't particularly amenable to testing or analysis). In any case, I appreciate your interest in the tool, and I'll fix up the example and accompanying configuration description.

@ChrisTimperley Thank you for your attention! I am attempting to use GenProg and BugZoo for serious research. I haven't figured out how to use GenProg on the bugs encapsulated by BugZoo, and thought this was the glue between them. I have sent you an email with more details, thank you in advance!

Ah, I see. I'll reply to your use case by email. In the meantime, I've updated the README and example configuration file.

I had to replace image: darjeeling/example:gcd with image: squareslab/tse2012:gcd, but otherwise it worked perfectly. Thank you for clearing this up for me!

I figured out that the problem with the image was that I wasn't using the examples within Darjeeling. I was still using the ones in https://github.com/BugZooOrg/genprog-tse-2012-bugs/tree/master/gcd