
Certain mutations are duplicated

Closed this issue · 1 comments

It would appear that either boggart or rooibos is reporting every possible mutation twice.

Mutation(flip-boolean-operator, 1, FileLocationRange(src/yujin_ocs/yocs_cmd_vel_mux/src/cmd_vel_mux_nodelet.cpp@40:38::40:40), {})
  --- src/yujin_ocs/yocs_cmd_vel_mux/src/cmd_vel_mux_nodelet.cpp
  +++ src/yujin_ocs/yocs_cmd_vel_mux/src/cmd_vel_mux_nodelet.cpp
  @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
     // Give permit to publish to this source if it's the only active or is
     // already allowed or has higher priority that the currently allowed
  -  if ((cmd_vel_sub.allowed == VACANT) ||
  +  if ((cmd_vel_sub.allowed == VACANT) &&
         (cmd_vel_sub.allowed == idx)    ||
         (cmd_vel_sub[idx].priority > cmd_vel_sub[cmd_vel_sub.allowed].priority))

Mutation(flip-boolean-operator, 1, FileLocationRange(src/yujin_ocs/yocs_cmd_vel_mux/src/cmd_vel_mux_nodelet.cpp@40:38::40:40), {})
  --- src/yujin_ocs/yocs_cmd_vel_mux/src/cmd_vel_mux_nodelet.cpp
  +++ src/yujin_ocs/yocs_cmd_vel_mux/src/cmd_vel_mux_nodelet.cpp
  @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
     // Give permit to publish to this source if it's the only active or is
     // already allowed or has higher priority that the currently allowed
  -  if ((cmd_vel_sub.allowed == VACANT) ||
  +  if ((cmd_vel_sub.allowed == VACANT) &&
         (cmd_vel_sub.allowed == idx)    ||
         (cmd_vel_sub[idx].priority > cmd_vel_sub[cmd_vel_sub.allowed].priority))

This bug was caused by an issue in Rooibos that has since been fixed.