
tlk pack throws error right after nasher unpack worked on the file

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Converting src/tlk/mintarn.tlk.json -> mintarn.tlk
Error: Could not convert mintarn.tlk.json to mintarn.tlk: parsejson.nim(522)
... raiseParseErr
... Error: unhandled exception: (1, 3) Error: { expected [JsonParsingError]

Our tlk is here: https://github.com/Kaikas/mintarn-haks/blob/master/src/tlk/mintarn.tlk.json

The tlk we transformed is here: http://mintarn.de/mintarn.tlk

So we fixed it by manually creating a json file now and it works. If you want to investigate i can pick the commits and give you the links. Apparently the file was not transformed and was written as normal gff file to the src/tlk/mintarn.tlk.json file.

Hmm... I'm not able to reproduce it on my own. I would appreciate links.

Weirdly enough i can not reproduce it as well. Maybe i was too tired or something.