
Cannot get macOS to respond to request to add Alfred to Automation in Privacy

jreljac opened this issue · 1 comments

I've got Alfred 4.3 up and running (and otherwise working) on macOS 11.1.
When I try to use iMessage 2FA I get ERROR: Unable to Access Your Messages

This worked on macOS 10.15 with no issues but now it seems Alfred is not prompting the OS to add Alfred to the Automation section under Preferences...Privacy. I've tried to use the Request Permissions...Open macOS Automation preferences with no luck.

Is there something I can do to force Alfred to request the Automation permission to get this working (which I've come to love since WFH and Cisco with 2FA, etc)

So I was on the complete wrong track...As soon as I granted full disk access to Alfred all worked as expected.