
#comments should be HTML entity decoded

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The #comments file is an html file, sort of.
Dumping it with w3m or lynx is not an option because newlines are not encoded.

Therefore I propose to just decode the html entities.

Snippet of #comments I encountered:

:k Bin
* -> *

Initially I piped the content for #comments through html2text, but then I saw at least two cases of funny business going on the comments (anyone fancy a <script> tag?) so I actually put in some extra effort to show the raw HTML so we can actually see that happening. But you are right, the HTML entities are an eyesore...

Perhaps we should do #raw_comments and #comments? (Not right now, but in the near future).

only #comments is fine by me.
I even encountered a &nbsp; just yet:')