
Official PHP library for SurveyGizmo API

Primary LanguagePHP

Official PHP library for SurveyGizmo API


The library is intended to make integrating with SurveyGizmo easier and quicker than using the API directly. The following objects are supported via this library and are all namespaced under SurveyGizmo (eg; SurveyGizmo\Resources\Survey).

Supported Objects
  • Survey
    • Responses
    • Questions
    • Pages
    • Statistics
    • Reports
    • Campaigns
      • EmailMessages
  • Account
    • Users
    • Teams
  • Contacts
  • ContactLists
    • Contacts

####All objects use the following standard functions:


Returns an array of objects based on filter and paging options.


Returns a single object based on id


Saves a newly created or updated instance of an object


Deletes an instance of an object

Code Examples

Auto Loading & Authenticating

require_once "<LIBRARY_PATH>/SurveyGizmoAutoLoader.php";
//set your key & secret
$api_key = "<YOUR API_KEY>";
$api_secret = "<YOUR API_SECRET>";

try {
	$sg = SurveyGizmo\SurveyGizmoAPI::auth($api_key,$api_secret);
} catch (Exception $e) {
	die("Error Authenticating");


Fetching Surveys

See filter and paging below.

$surveys = SurveyGizmo\Resources\Survey::fetch(<FILTER>,<OPTIONS>);
Getting a Single Survey
$survey_id = <SURVEY_ID>;
$survey = SurveyGizmo\Resources\Survey::get(survey_id);
Updating a Survey
$survey->title = "TEST UPDATE FROM API LIBRARY";
Creating a Survey
$survey = new SurveyGizmo\Resources\Survey();
$survey->title = "NEW SURVEY";
$results = $survey->save();
Deleting a Survey
$survey = $survey->delete();

Survey Helper Functions

The Survey object provides a few help functions to easily access related collections and objects.

	//get questions
	//get responses
	//get reports
	//get statistics
	//get campaigns
	//get email messages


To access the questions on a survey you'll need an instance of a SurveyGizmo\Resources\Survey object.

Get all Survey Questions
$questions = $survey->getQuestions();
Getting and Updating a Survey Question
$question = $survey->getQuestion(<QUESTION question_id>);
$question->title->English = "LIBRARY TEST";
$ret = $question->save();


To access the responses for a survey you'll need an instance of a SurveyGizmo\Resources\Survey object. See filter and paging below.

Get all Survey Responses
$responses = $survey->getResponses(<FILTER>,<OPTIONS>);
Get a Single Responses
$responses = $survey->getResponse(<RESPONSE_ID);
Update a Responses
$response->survey_data[$question_id]['answer'] = 'YES';
$ret = $response->save();

Filtering & Paging Objects

All fetch methods take both optional $filter and $options arguments.

$filter = new SurveyGizmo\Helpers\Filter();
$filter_item = new SurveyGizmo\Helpers\FilterItem();
$filter_item->setCondition('TEST from API');
$surveys = SurveyGizmo\Resources\Survey::fetch($filter);
Paging Collections

Sometimes you will need to page through collections of objects. To accommodate this use the optional $options argument on any fetch method;

$options = array( 'page' => 3, 'limit' => 100 );
$surveys = SurveyGizmo\Resources\Survey::fetch($filter,$options);

ERROR Message & Responses

In the case of an error we will return the following responses and status codes:

Method not implemented (404)
Method not supported (405)
Not Authorized (401)

Simple API request

To perform a API call without going through a specific resource class, use SurveyGizmo\ApiRequest::call.

$response = SurveyGizmo\ApiRequest::call('contactlist', null, null, null);


PHP 5.3+
Active SurveyGizmo Account
Imagination, Determination and Common Sense!


  1. Download the Library and add it to your project.
  2. Include the SurveyGizmoAutoLoader.php file
require_once "<LIBRARY_PATH>/SurveyGizmoAutoLoader.php";
  1. Authenticate using your SurveyGizmo API Key and Secret.
//set your key & secret
$api_key = "<YOUR API_KEY>";
$api_secret = "<YOUR API_SECRET>";

try {
	$sg = SurveyGizmo\SurveyGizmoAPI::auth($api_key,$api_secret);
} catch (Exception $e) {
	die("Error Authenticating");

API Reference

This Library uses the version 5 SurveyGizmo API. API Documentation.


Unit tests are included under the /Tests directory. They can be executed by running:

$ phpunit -c bootstrap.xml


The library was developed and is maintained by the SurveyGizmo Product Development Team.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.