
Minimalist browser popup notifier library.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

toast.js browser notifier library

Toast.js is a flexible minimalist JavaScript popup notifications library written in TypeScript.

  • Bootstrap friendly but does not depend on Bootstrap (notification types and colors match Bootstrap alerts).

  • Inspired by notifier.js and toastr.

Project source on Github.

Live demo.


Include toast.js and toast.css (along with JQuery) then call the Toast popup functions from your code e.g.

Toast.info('Hello World!');

The nice thing about popups for transient message reporting is their ease of use -- just a single statement per message (no HTML markup or DOM manipulation required).

Toast.js uses jQuery so you'll also need to include it. See the toast-examples.html examples.


Popup functions:

Toast.info    (message [,title [, options]])
Toast.warning (message [,title [, options]])
Toast.error   (message [,title [, options]])
Toast.success (message [,title [, options]])

Function parameters:

message: String
title:   String
options: Object with properties to override Toast.defaults

The read-write Toast.defaults object contains the following configuration properties:

width:            CSS length, overrides CSS file.
displayDuration:  In milliseconds, set to 0 to make sticky.
fadeOutDuration:  In milliseconds.


  • Toast popups are inserted into the top of the toast container (existing messages are pushed down).
  • The toast container is a 'div' element with ID 'toast-container', if it doesn't already exist Toast.js creates and inserts it into the DOM 'body' element.
  • The popups are removed from the toast container when they timeout or are clicked by the user.


Toast.info('Simple message');
Toast.success('Message with title', 'Title');
Toast.error('Sticky message', '', {displayDuration: 0});
Toast.defaults.displayDuration = 1000;
Toast.defaults.fadeOutDuration = 800;
Toast.defaults.width = '800px';


To generate toast.js JavaScript from the toast.ts source file copy the jquery.d.ts type declaration file from the TypeScript distribution to the build directory then run the Typescript compiler:

tsc toast.ts

If you have jake installed you can run:

jake build