
Sample Blazor Web assembly project Using Cognito Hosted UI Authentication

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Sample Blazor Webassembly project Using Cognito Hosted UI Authentication

  • Create dotnet WASM project

    dotnet new blazorwasm -au Individual -o BlazorWasmCognitoSample

    This should create a Blazor WASM project with Indivdual type authentication

  • [Optional] Create AWS Cognito User Pool.

    Sample Cloudformation - cognito-stack.yml

    Deploy Script - deploy-cognito-stack.sh

    If you are using an existing user pool, make sure the CallbackURLs and LogoutURLs match exactly. A common cause of grief is the missing or additional trailing slashes.

    Also you will need to configure the Hosted UI.

  • Update appsettings.json or appsettings.development.json under wwwroot. Make sure to replace <AWS_REGION>, <AWS_COGNITO_USERPOOL_ID>, <AWS_COGNITO_APP_CLIENT_ID> with your values.

        "Cognito": {
            "Authority": "https://cognito-idp.<AWS_REGION>.amazonaws.com/<AWS_COGNITO_USERPOOL_ID>",
            "ClientId": "<AWS_COGNITO_APP_CLIENT_ID>",
            "RedirectUri": "https://localhost:5001/authentication/login-callback",
            "PostLogoutRedirectUri": "https://localhost:5001/authentication/logout-callback",
            "ResponseType": "code"
  • Update Program.cs, to refer to the correct config

    builder.Services.AddOidcAuthentication(options =>
        builder.Configuration.Bind("Cognito", options.ProviderOptions);
  • Add Authorize Attribute to pages which needs to be protected

        @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization
        @page "/fetchdata"
        @attribute [Authorize]
        @inject HttpClient Http
        <PageTitle>Weather forecast</PageTitle>
  • Run dotnet run

Please refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-au/aspnet/core/blazor/security/webassembly/?view=aspnetcore-6.0 for official documentation.