
Define relocation support for new hires

mcuadros opened this issue · 5 comments

This is a topic that never was standardized, We covered this for some positions in the past.
But I think that we should define this properly and add it to the guide and the offers.

A preliminary amount agreed with Eiso, is up to 2000e, if you are moving from another country.

eiso commented

The 2,000 Euro's is related to moving to the Madrid office. Relocation expenses are only covered at this moment if you're moving from another country. For the SF office, the amount still has to be determined and for now will be on a case by case basis, it would be for inter-state relocations.

To give further details as discussed in, it will be up to 2,000 Euros for relocation-related expenses for which invoices or receipts can be provided. An example is moving furniture or boxes.

Additionally, for the first two weeks of your arrival in Madrid or SF, the company pays for the hotel/Airbnb stay.

We would like to offer a higher amount in the future but for now, we're still a startup and we hope this covers at least part of people's expenses.

In further discussions was agreed to keep the amount in 2.000Euros, for relocation-related expenses for which invoices or receipts can be provided. Plus paid Hotel/Airbnb during first two weeks at source{d}

This money can be used for:

  • Move furniture/boxes
  • Flights, including family
  • Car rental or Taxis/Uber trips
  • Extending the two weeks of hotel provided by source{d}
eiso commented

Flights, including family have been decided to be covered by source{d} fully outside of the 2,000 Euro relocation budget.

@tsolakoua now the decisions have been made, can you add this to your backlog to update the necessary files in this repo.

Document related to the issue: #134

eiso commented

I'll close this issue since the PR is pending to be merged.