
Define a project skeleton

dpordomingo opened this issue · 9 comments

Since we're trying to improve the way our users/developers/visitors approach our projects, I think it could be a good idea to propose a project skeleton to be followed.

Benefits of having a common skeleton already pre-defined:

  • it makes our projects more homogeneous, what lets everyone to know what to expect where,
  • it would let us start a project with all our agreed requirements ready to be fulfilled,
  • it could be also used in "starter apps" (like src-d/platform-starter)

I imported this idea from documentation at source{d} #84

In my opinion, the following could work:

├── .github
│   ├──
│   ├──
├── DCO
├── LICENSE.apache
├── LICENSE.gpl

And I'd put that directory under guide/engineering/

I somehow can't assign this issue to myself.
Can I haz the rights, @mcuadros ?

eiso commented

I happen to come across this; you have the rights now.

Thanks, @eiso

smola commented

I think this is close to a project skeleton:

It would need to add some missing files, move some others, etc.

Is there such a thing as a repo template for an org in the same way there's an issue template per repo?

smola commented

@campoy I don't think so. But you can setup your local git init.templatedir to point there so that it is used by git init. See this:

Ok, I do agree that that folder seems like a good candidate to be considered as the starting point for any repo.

Would you @smola like to update the engineering documentation to point to this directory?


smola commented

@campoy Yes, I'll update docs and restructure the directory a little bit.