
Inline html compiled from jade (incl. browserify transform)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Superseded by https://github.com/srcagency/brjade

A highly opinionated package for compiling html (from jade) in node and inlined using browserify.

var brarkup = require('brarkup');

brarkup.compile(__dirname + '/index.jade', function( err, html ){
	if (err)
		return console.error(err);

	// browser context?
	if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.body)
		document.body.innerHtml = html;

An optional argument before the callback is allowed for configuration. So far the only option is compress which will disable the pretty parameter of jade.

brarkup.compile(__dirname + '/index.jade', {
	compress: true,
}, cb);
var brarkup = require('brarkup');
var browserify = require('browserify');

	.transform(brarkup, {
		compress: true,

If you need anything else, like support for other languages than jade, or more flexibility, send a pull request.

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