
Independence status

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I needed the list recently as well, but also the status of the independent attribute, so I made these:

I gathered the data half-manually directly from ISO OBP, so do not copy it blindly – some (maybe 1 to 3) yesses may in fact be nos, but I am pretty sure I did not add a no that should be a yes. Do not rely on Wikipedia either, because I added the column to the table there, too.

Unicode mostly follows ISO for CLDR, but has a handful of additional entries (exceptionally reserved AC, CP, DG, EA, IC and TA, and user-assigned XK for Kosovo) and less removed or deprecated entries, because it started life about two decades after ISO 3166 (which builds upon UN M.49, another three decades older). IANA also has some deviation for ccTLDs, notablz .uk instead of .gb. It may be nice to provide diff sets or alternate tables here.

Anyhow, for alpha-2 codes there is not much competition to ISO (perhaps NATO), but alpha-3 codes are defined by different standards as well, with some incompatibilities.

There is, of course, also Part 2 of the standard with its currently ca. 5000 codes, as well as various reserved, deprecated or removed code elements. It is in beta stage for becoming the way to encode the British home nations for emoji flags etc.


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Please see this section for my thoughts on extending the data:

Otherwise, I welcome extensions as separate packages and would gladly link to them from here.