
[Fixed] - [Server Crashed] Shop_trails

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Here's the trails.txt:

"price" "1000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/blue.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Синий | Blue"
"sell_price" "250"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "1000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/cyan.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Бирюзовый | Cyan"
"sell_price" "250"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "1000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/green.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Зеленый | Green"
"sell_price" "250"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "1000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/pink.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Розовый | Pink"
"sell_price" "250"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "1000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/purple.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Фиолетовый | Purple"
"sell_price" "250"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "1000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/red.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Красный | Red"
"sell_price" "250"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "1000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/yellow.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Желтый | Yellow"
"sell_price" "250"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "2000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/rainbow.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Радуга | Rainbow"
"sell_price" "500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "2000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/arrowrainbow.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Разноцветные стрелки | Rainbow arrows"
"sell_price" "500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "2000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/doublerainbow.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Двойная радуга | Double rainbow"
"sell_price" "500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "3000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/banknote.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Купюра | Banknote"
"sell_price" "1500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "3000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/dna2.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "ДНК | DNA"
"sell_price" "1500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "3000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/lol.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "LOL"
"sell_price" "1500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "4000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/UA.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Флаг Украины | Ukrainian flag"
"sell_price" "2500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "4000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/flag.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Флаг России | Russian flag"
"sell_price" "2500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/fifa.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "FIFA"
"sell_price" "1500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/duck.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Качка | Duck"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/apple.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Яблоко | Apple"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/awesome.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
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"name" "Awesome"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/beermug.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Пиво | Beer"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/cocacola.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "КокаКола | CocaCola"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/poker.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Покер | Poker"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/skullnbones.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Скелет и кости | Skull & Bones"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/like.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Лайк | Like"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/biohazard.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Биохазард | Biohazard"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/mat_troll.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
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"name" "Troll Face"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/sharingan.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Sharingan"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/cssource.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "CS:Source"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/csgo.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "CS:GO"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/minecraft.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Minecraft"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/Chrome.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Google Chrome"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/Explorer.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Internet Explorer"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/firefox15.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "FireFox"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/dota.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Dota"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/rak.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Рак | Cancer"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/skype.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Skype"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/vk.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "[В]контакте | Vkontakte"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/wifi.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Вай-Фай | Wifi"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/intel.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Intel"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/youtube3.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "YouTube"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/BMW.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "BMW"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/sfera.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Сфера | Sphere"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/angry.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Angry Birds"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/ork.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Орк | Orc"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/osminog.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Осьминог | Octopus"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/superman.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Superman"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/weider.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Дарт Вейдер | Darth Vader"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/zoiberg.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Зоиберг | Zoiberg"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/putin.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Путин | Putin"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/avataraang.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Avatar"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/griffin.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Griffin"
"sell_price" "6500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/mat_predator.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Хищник | Predator"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/mat_spongebob.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Губка Боб | Sponge Bob"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "5000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/bluelightning.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Молния | Lightning"
"sell_price" "3500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "8000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/joker.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Joker"
"sell_price" "6500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "8000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/naruto.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Naruto"
"sell_price" "6500"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "15000"
"material" "materials/sprites/trails/crown.vmt"
"color" "255 255 255"
"startwidth" "25"
"endwidth" "15"
"name" "Корона | Crown"
"sell_price" "7000"
"duration" "0"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "1000"
"materials" "materials/sprites/trails/novahunterz/boi.vmt"
"name" "Boi"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "1000"
"materials" "materials/sprites/trails/novahunterz/giga.vmt"
"name" "Giga"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "1000"
"materials" "materials/sprites/trails/novahunterz/discord.vmt"
"name" "Discord"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
"price" "1000"
"materials" "materials/sprites/trails/novahunterz/nh.vmt"
"name" "NovaHunterZ"
"lifetime" "2.000000"
"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"

Here's the error.

You have an error on "boi", "giga", "discord", and "nh".
you set "materials" "materials/...." when it should be material without S "material" "materials/......"

try this fixed and formated version

		"price" "1000"
		"material" "materials/sprites/trails/blue.vmt"
		"color" "255 255 255"
		"startwidth" "25"
		"endwidth" "15"
		"name" "Синий | Blue"
		"sell_price" "250"
		"duration" "0"
		"lifetime" "2.000000"
		"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
		"price" "1000"
		"material" "materials/sprites/trails/cyan.vmt"
		"color" "255 255 255"
		"startwidth" "25"
		"endwidth" "15"
		"name" "Бирюзовый | Cyan"
		"sell_price" "250"
		"duration" "0"
		"lifetime" "2.000000"
		"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
		"price" "1000"
		"material" "materials/sprites/trails/green.vmt"
		"color" "255 255 255"
		"startwidth" "25"
		"endwidth" "15"
		"name" "Зеленый | Green"
		"sell_price" "250"
		"duration" "0"
		"lifetime" "2.000000"
		"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
		"price" "1000"
		"material" "materials/sprites/trails/pink.vmt"
		"color" "255 255 255"
		"startwidth" "25"
		"endwidth" "15"
		"name" "Розовый | Pink"
		"sell_price" "250"
		"duration" "0"
		"lifetime" "2.000000"
		"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
		"price" "1000"
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		"color" "255 255 255"
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		"name" "Фиолетовый | Purple"
		"sell_price" "250"
		"duration" "0"
		"lifetime" "2.000000"
		"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
		"price" "1000"
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		"name" "Красный | Red"
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		"duration" "0"
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		"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
		"price" "1000"
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		"color" "255 255 255"
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		"duration" "0"
		"lifetime" "2.000000"
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		"price" "2000"
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		"color" "255 255 255"
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		"material" "materials/sprites/trails/arrowrainbow.vmt"
		"color" "255 255 255"
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		"name" "Разноцветные стрелки | Rainbow arrows"
		"sell_price" "500"
		"duration" "0"
		"lifetime" "2.000000"
		"position" "0.0 0.0 10.0"
		"price" "2000"
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Still some Error:

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On line, 152

BuildPath(Path_SM, FilePath, sizeof(FilePath), "configs/shop/trails_dlist.cfg");

On line, 166

BuildPath(Path_SM, FilePath, sizeof(FilePath), "configs/shop/trails.cfg");

On line, 186

Shop_GetCfgFile(_buffer, sizeof(_buffer), "trails.cfg");

Wdym ?
Files are suppose to be .txt

I honestly don't know but now .cfg works.

can be close cc @maxime1907