Be sure to visit PROXCITY to “Find, Help, and Save” a local business in your city close to your proximity!
PROXCITY is a simple and easy way to find local businesses
During the covid pandemic, small/medium local businesses suffered greatly. So we thought, why don't we make it easier for them to get noticed? This project is aimed at helping local businesses market their name by making it easier for users "Find, Help, and Save" them.
- Use of FourSquare API
- CRUD of favorite places
- Authetication
In a terminal window, navigate to your newly created folder and clone:
git clone
Deploy virtual environment.
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
Run the following commands from your virtual environment to install the needed packages
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Add a .env file to the root of the project directory with the following key names
CLIENT_ID={Your foursquare Places API Client ID here}
CLIENT_SECRET={Your foursquare Places API Client Secret here}
MONGO_URI = {Your MongoAtlas Cluster URI here}
(You could use mongodb://localhost:27017/proxcity for dev purposes)
SECRET_KEY={Your auth session secret key}
(You must create a strong password manually)
On a development server
# run
For more information visit websites: