
Heading id attribute is missing for org file

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Describe the bug
Headings have an id attribute when the source is markdown, e.g.:

When the source is org, that does not work: e.g.:

Looking at pandoc native format, these two documents are identical:

# Hello
## World
* Hello
** World
[ Header 1 ( "hello" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Hello" ]
, Header 2 ( "world" , [] , [] ) [ Str "World" ]

Somehow they are not rendered the same in emanote. Should these two methods be merged together?

parseNoteOrg :: (MonadWriter [Text] m) => Text -> m (Pandoc, Aeson.Value)
parseNoteOrg s =
case runPure $ readOrg def s of
Left err -> do
tell [show err]
pure (mempty, defaultFrontMatter)
Right doc ->
-- TODO: Merge Pandoc's Meta in here?
pure (preparePandoc doc, defaultFrontMatter)
parseNoteMarkdown :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m) => ScriptingEngine -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Text -> WriterT [Text] m (Pandoc, Aeson.Value)
parseNoteMarkdown scriptingEngine pluginBaseDir fp md = do
case Markdown.parseMarkdown fp md of
Left err -> do
tell [err]
pure (mempty, defaultFrontMatter)
Right (withAesonDefault defaultFrontMatter -> frontmatter, doc') -> do
-- Apply the various transformation filters.
-- Some are user-defined; some builtin. They operate on Pandoc, or the
-- frontmatter meta.
filterPaths <- fmap catMaybes $ forM (SData.lookupAeson @[FilePath] mempty ("pandoc" :| ["filters"]) frontmatter) $ \p -> do
res :: [FilePath] <- flip mapMaybeM pluginBaseDir $ \baseDir -> do
doesPathExist (baseDir </> p) >>= \case
False -> do
pure Nothing
True ->
pure $ Just $ baseDir </> p
case res of
[] -> do
tell [toText $ "Pandoc filter " <> p <> " not found in any of: " <> show pluginBaseDir]
pure Nothing
(x : _) -> pure $ Just x
doc <- applyPandocFilters scriptingEngine filterPaths $ preparePandoc doc'
let meta = applyNoteMetaFilters doc frontmatter
pure (doc, meta)
withAesonDefault default_ mv =
fromMaybe default_ mv
`SData.mergeAeson` default_

Though that does not seem related, would you know what is going on here @srid ?