
Unicode file-named notes are being ignored

fz68 opened this issue · 10 comments

fz68 commented

run neuron gen --pretty-urls locally on my Mac is OK.
But check github's action info, show some notes missing, only ascii named notes remain and generate htmls.

srid commented


So this happens only when using Docker? Wonder what the issue with Docker is ...

fz68 commented

Tried neuron on clean installed ubuntu 20.04 ARM64, same problem.
截屏2021-07-20 12 01 39

srid commented

@FanZhen2002 Does setting the LANG environment variable as suggested here resolve it?

fz68 commented

@FanZhen2002 Does setting the LANG environment variable as suggested here resolve it?
It works.
LOCALE_ARCHIVE=/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive neuron gen --pretty-urls

srid commented

Great; I suppose we can modify the docker workflow to use this environment variable, then.

fz68 commented

No luck
docker run --env LOCALE_ARCHIVE=/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive -v $PWD:/notes sridca/neuron neuron gen --pretty-urls

srid commented

When you wrote "It works" in - where did it work?

srid commented

Okay, I have a fix for this (based on #381), and it will go in the Docker image. I'll close this issue once that happens.

srid commented

@FanZhen2002 Fix pushed. Let me know if that resolves it.