Research associate in Materials Science at Max Planck Institut for Sustainable Materials with a strong interest in Python and C++.
srmnitc's Followers
- FotisTsiolis
- sharanroongtaMax-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung
- lan496Preferred Networks, Inc.
- skatnagalluMPIE
- specter119
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- dmarxCoreWeave, EleutherAI
- rohithsrinivaasBerkeley Lab
- mbruns91Max-Planck-Institute for Sustainable Materials
- QuantumChemist
- tkrishnamohan91Korea Institite of Science and Technology
- jmurugan-fzjForschungszentrum Jülich (JSC)
- cmccombCarnegie Mellon University
- realfrostbit
- sgbaird@AccelerationConsortium (UoT) @sparks-baird (UoU)
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- hacortespBCAM
- ansatzXQuanMol Tech
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- kedhar1992
- AbeyramWarangal, India
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- biswas1984
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