Applying minification to all files in a directory
arnog opened this issue · 4 comments
I'm trying to apply html-minifier to all files inside a directory (recursively). I wasn't able to figure out how to do it.
I tried:
compressor: htmlMinifier,
publicFolder: __dirname + '/../stage/**',
input: '*.html',
output: '$1.min.html',
callback: function(err, _min) {
if (err) console.log(err)
But this results in
(node:19076) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\project\stage\**C:\project\stage\index.html'
compressor: htmlMinifier,
publicFolder: __dirname + '/../stage/',
input: '**/*.html',
output: '$1.min.html',
callback: function(err, _min) {
if (err) console.log(err)
does not error out, but the output file is created in the top level of the repo.
It would be nice to have an option, like replace-in-file
for example, where the list of files to be processed can be specified as a files
property which is a glob of the eligible files.
Alternatively, the output
property could be optional, in which case the input file is replaced in place.
Landed in 5.0.0
I don't get quite the result I was hoping for. Using the code as in the initial report (second block), it looks like all the output file are created in top-level (public) folder, not in the directory from which they came (when using a glob). So, I'm still looking for a solution that would allow me to apply the minifier to a set of a file in a directory, specified with a glob pattern, and replace them in place with the value of output. Should I re-open a bug or do you want to track it with this one?
I have published 5.2.0 with a new option : replaceInPlace
This option will save files in same directory than source.
compressor: htmlMinifier,
publicFolder: 'public/html/',
input: '**/*.html',
output: '$1.min.html',
replaceInPlace: true,
callback: function(err, _min) {
if (err) console.log(err);