
Node-minify gets stuck at Done! without exiting

iansan5653 opened this issue · 4 comments

I have node-minify as part of a prepublish task in my package.json, and up until recently it worked great.

Now, the minifier doesn't exit so I can't continue with the publish task. It just freezes with the following output without ending its process:

> node-minify --compressor uglify-es --input dist/index.js --output dist/index.min.js && node-minify --compressor uglify-es --input dist/errors.js --output dist/errors.min.js

 INFO  Starting compression...

√ File(s) compressed successfully with uglify-es (1.93 kB minified, 825 B gzipped)

 DONE  Done!
srod commented

Are you using the latest version of node-minify (5.2.0) ?
I tried your example and it's working fine.
Or maybe can you explain more about your publish task in order to reproduce it ?

Here's a reproducible example:


  "scripts": {
    "minify": "node-minify --compressor uglify-es --input index.js --output index.min.js"
  "dependencies": {
    "@node-minify/cli": "^5.2.0",
    "@node-minify/core": "^5.2.0",
    "@node-minify/uglify-es": "^5.2.0"

index.js is just a blank file.

Running npm run minify in this directory causes the minification to complete successfully, but the process never exits. It leaves a screen looking like this:
(What I would expect in the above screenshot is for the command input prompt to appear again.)

I tried this in Powershell, CMD, and Git Bash, so it's definitely not a terminal problem.

srod commented

I've released 5.2.1 with a fix on @node-minify/cli

npm i @node-minify/cli@5.2.1

Confirmed it's fixed, thanks!