
wss signed url: Disconnected while waiting for 'Connect Acknowledgment'

JavierRefuerzo opened this issue · 1 comments


I've been testing MQTT libraries for Swift for the past two days and this repo appears to be the only Swift library which supports wss. Nice work!

I received the log: "notice nl.roebert.MQTTNio : Disconnected while waiting for 'Connect Acknowledgement'"

  1. Is there a callback to alert the application when an error like this occurs?

  2. I'm not sure how to resolve the issue. The url is a pre-signed AWS url with query string. I have the same working on Android with Eclipse.Paho. Looking at the MQTTConfiguration.swift I don't believe the query string is being included, is this a correct assumption? If that is correct is there any way to add the query string?

var client: MQTTClient!
//signed url
url = wss://
client = MQTTClient(configuration: .init(url: url, clientId: clientId))

Hey, sorry for the late response, I somehow did not get or missed the notification for this issue.

  1. When you call connect() you get an EventLoopFuture back. You can add a closure for when the connection fails.
client.connect().whenFailure { error in
    print("Failed to connect: \(error)")
  1. Currently when using url directly with the configuration, it seems that I am ignoring the query part of the url. I have added a fix for this in release 2.2.1.