Persist data after app uninstall - getExternalStoragePublicDirectory
csbenz opened this issue · 1 comments
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this lib doesn't support writing to the public external storage?
So when the app is uninstalled, all data is deleted. It would be good to be able to chose between private and public external storage.
EDIT: I'm reading the docs here. They don't even mention 'getExternalStorageDirectory()'. But now I understand that this latter method does not delete data after app uninstall. Am I correct?
You have internal and external storage options. The difference is just a files location on your device disk. For example, external storage will be under /storage/emulated/0
folder. So any new folder file that will be created here, won't be deleted even if someone will uninstall your app. The internal storage will be under /data/user/0/
and as you can guess, once your app is deleted, the directory will be deleted as well with all folders and files inside.
Let me know if I could clarify more, or not. Ask me anything :)